I am not getting the data for Memory Utilization in HP-UX server.

I am not getting the data for Memory Utilization in HP-UX server.

Physical Memory Utilization in HP-UX is calculated using the below formula:

Physical Memory Utilization (%) = ((Total Memory - Free Memory) / Total Memory) * 100
Physical Memory Utilization (MB) = Total Memory (MB) - Free Memory (MB)

Total Memory - Obtained from executing the following command : grep Physical /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

Free Memory - Calculated using the following formula = Number of Free Pages * Page Size

  • Number of Free Pages - Obtained from executing the following command : /usr/bin/vmstat 1 3
  • Page Size - Memory Page size is calculated from any one of the below command(s). If we are able to get Page size from the first command, further execution of commands will not happen and vice versa. If we are not able to find page file size using any of these commands, we will assume default size of 4 kb.
    • top
    • /usr/sbin/kmtune -q vps_pagesize
    • /usr/sbin/kctune -q vps_pagesize

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