How to Install .NET agent via command line

How to Install .NET agent via command line

Follow the instructions given below to install APM Insight .Net agent via command line:
  1. Download APM Insight .NET agent (apminsight-dotnetagent.msi)  here.
  2. Navigate to the path where you have downloaded the msi file and execute the following command:

       msiexec -i apminsight-dotnetagent.msi license.key=<YOUR LICENSE KEY> editconfig=false   iisreset=false   /log apm_install.log /quiet

Command line arguments:  
    editconfig - Agent will open edit configuration window by default. Set this to false to install the agent without opening the edit configuration window.
    iisreset - Agent resets IIS by default. Set this to false to install without resetting IIS.         
   NOTE: Agent can monitor the applications only after running the iisreset.

Note: Perform some transaction to start monitoring

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