How to verify the license key for a .NET application?
If you find that the APM Insight .NET monitor is not created in Applications Manager, it might be due to an empty or invalid license key.
You can verify the license key by following the steps given below.
Note: Before you proceed, ensure that the APM Insight .NET agent has been installed.Steps to verify the license key:
- Navigate to Start > Edit APM Insight .NET Agent Configuration tool.
- On the General tab, verify the License Key.
- If the License Key field is empty, copy and paste the license key from the Applications Manager web client.
- If the monitor is not created even after pasting the license key, check if it was pasted twice or if an extra character was added to it accidentally.
- If your .NET monitor is still not created, verify that the license key you provided is correct for the corresponding Applications Manager account.
- Once you provide the correct license key, click Save.
- Restart your application and perform some transactions.
- Once the application is up and receiving requests, you can view the monitor under APM > APM Insight > Applications.
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