Applicable for build - 14306 and above.
SDP MSP uses attribute values while importing from AD. By Default , the officesite name in AD config is mapped to SDP MSP Site field. In case users wants to use different field for the same purpose, use its attribute name and provide it in the relavant AD config page of SDPMSP.
Users can know the Attribute name using DSquery utility
ie : Open a command prompt in the Active Directory installed machine and try the below command.
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(samAccountName=santhosh))" -attr *
In the above command replace santhosh with your user - login Name and execute the command (hit enter).
This will provide you an ouput with all attributes name, from which you can find the Attribute name of the relavant field. Use that in our AD import configuration page in our Site field and try the import.