How to troubleshoot when having error 'No data available' in Solaris Monitor in Telnet/SSH Mode
Important Note:
- Establish a Telnet or SSH connection to the remote Solaris machine before proceeding.
- Use the same user account that is used for monitoring in the product to execute the following commands.
1. Disk Errors:
export S_COLORS='never'; LANG=C iostat -en;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure a stable Telnet or SSH connection.
- Execute the provided commands to check for disk error statistics (`iostat -en`).
- Verify if disk error data is displayed. If not, proceed to troubleshoot.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check connectivity and authentication.
- Verify `iostat` syntax and command execution.
- Ensure sufficient permissions for command execution.
2. Network Interface Utilization:
echo NETWORKINTUTIL_CMD_OP_ST; while read -r line; do interface=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}'); state=$(/usr/sbin/dladm show-phys "$interface" 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==2{print $3}'); speed=$(/usr/sbin/dladm show-phys "$interface" 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==2{print $4}'); duplex=$(/usr/sbin/dladm show-phys "$interface" 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==2{print $5}'); if [ -n "$state" ]; then echo "$line $state $speed $duplex"; fi; done < <(netstat -i | awk 'NR>2 && $1 !~ /^Name|^lo/ {if (!seen[$1]++) print $0}'); echo NETWORKINTUTIL_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check network interface utilization.
- Verify if interface details are displayed. Proceed with troubleshooting if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Validate network interface configurations (`dladm`).
- Ensure network interfaces are active and properly detected (`netstat`).
3. IP Address Status:
echo IPADDRSTATUS_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/ipadm show-addr | grep -v lo0; echo IPADDRSTATUS_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Establish Telnet or SSH connection.
- Execute the command to display IP address configurations.
- Check if IP addresses excluding `lo0` are listed. Proceed to troubleshoot if no output is observed.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Verify IP address assignments and configurations.
- Review and resolve any conflicts or misconfigurations.
4. IPMP Group Status:
echo IPMPGRPSTATUS_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/ipmpstat -gn; echo IPMPGRPSTATUS_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check IPMP group status (`ipmpstat -gn`).
- Verify if IPMP groups and their status are displayed. Proceed with troubleshooting if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Confirm IPMP configurations and redundancy settings.
- Check for any failed or inactive IPMP groups.
5. HBA Port Status:
echo HBAPORTSTATUS_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/fcinfo hba-port; echo HBAPORTSTATUS_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Establish Telnet or SSH connection.
- Execute the command to check HBA port status.
- Verify if HBA ports and their configurations are displayed. Proceed to troubleshoot if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Ensure SAN connectivity and HBA configurations.
- Review zoning and storage area network (SAN) settings.
6. Multipathing Status:
echo MULTIPATHINGSTATUS_CMD_OP_ST; paste <(/usr/sbin/mpathadm list lu | grep -i "Total Path Count" | cut -d":" -f2) <(/usr/sbin/mpathadm list lu | grep -i "Operational Path Count" | cut -d":" -f2) <(/usr/sbin/mpathadm list lu | grep -i "dev/rdsk"); echo MULTIPATHINGSTATUS_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check multipathing status
- Verify total and operational path counts for multipathed devices (`dev/rdsk`). Proceed with troubleshooting if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Validate multipath configurations (`mpathadm`).
- Check for any failed or inactive paths.
7. Zpool Status:
echo ZPOOLSTATUS_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/zpool list; echo ZPOOLSTATUS_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Establish Telnet or SSH connection.
- Execute the command to check ZFS pool status (`zpool list`).
- Verify if ZFS pool names and their configurations are displayed. Proceed to troubleshoot if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Review ZFS pool configurations and health status.
- Check for any errors or degraded pools.
8. Service Fault Status:
echo SVCSFAULT_CMD_OP_ST; svcs | grep -v "^online"; echo SVCSFAULT_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check service fault status (`svcs`).
- Verify if services not in an "online" state are listed. Proceed with troubleshooting if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Investigate service dependencies and logs.
- Review and resolve any service failures.
9. System Fault Status:
echo SYSFAULT_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/fmadm faulty -s | awk '!/^/ && !/^TIME/ {event_id=$4; print $0}' | while read -r line; do event_id=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $4}'); details=$(/usr/sbin/fmadm faulty -f | tr '\n' ' ' | awk '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' | awk -v id="$event_id" '$1 == id {printf " %s %s %s", $2, $3, $4}'); echo "$line $details"; done;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check system fault status.
- Verify if system faults and their details are displayed. Proceed with troubleshooting if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Investigate hardware and software issues reported by `fmadm`.
- Review logs and system event details.
10. Chassis Status:
echo CHASSISSTAT_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/ipmitool chassis status; echo CHASSISSTAT_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check chassis status (`ipmitool chassis status`).
- Verify if chassis health and sensor readings are displayed. Proceed to troubleshoot if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check IPMI configurations and hardware sensor readings.
- Ensure environmental sensors are functioning properly.
11. Sensor Status:
echo SENSORSTATUS_CMD_OP_ST; /usr/sbin/prtdiag -v | awk '/Environmental Status/,/FRU Status/ {if ($0 !~ /FRU Status/ && $3 != "steady" && $3 != "enabled" && $3 != "ok") print}'; echo SENSORSTATUS_CMD_OP_END;
- Connect to the Solaris machine: Ensure Telnet or SSH connectivity.
- Execute the command to check sensor status (`prtdiag -v`).
- Verify if environmental sensor readings and hardware status are displayed. Proceed to troubleshoot if no data is shown.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Monitor environmental sensor
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