How to troubleshoot when having error 'No data available' for Connection Stats in Server Monitor?

How to troubleshoot when having error 'No data available' for Connection Stats in Server Monitor?

Problem:   "No data available" message shown for Connection Stats.

Supported Server Monitor : Linux & AIX (SSH/ TELNET), Windows (WMI).


WMI Mode of Monitoring:

Script execution from Self-Help tool :
  1. Navigate to Admin > Tools > Self-Help Tools.

  2. Choose the required host and monitor type.

  3. Select "TcpConnectionStats".

  4. Click on the Execute button to run the script.

  5. View the generated report and check whether the data is available.

Script execution from Command Prompt :

To verify the data from the target server, execute the TcpConnectionStats.vbs present in <APPMANAGER_HOME_DIR/working/conf/applications/scripts/> directory from command prompt as follows,

      cscript TcpConnectionStats.vbs <hostname> <username> <password>

    where hostname, username, password is the target server's hostname or IP address , username specified for monitoring and password of that user respectively

TELNET or SSH Mode of Monitoring:

Check whether the below command runs and displays the corresponding output in the system

LinuxLANG=C netstat -nat | awk '{if(NR>1)print}' | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
AIXLANG=C netstat -nat | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

  1. If the output is "Command not installed ", install the command . 
  2. If the output is "Permission denied" , grant sufficient privileges to the user used in APM for logging into remote system.
  3. If the output is "No such file or directory" , check the command is present in the file path and environment variable includes that file path . If not present install the same

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