How to start ServiceDesk Plus on a single IP address/IP Binding

How to start ServiceDesk Plus on a single IP address/IP Binding

For customers running version 9.3 and below.

1. Goto Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\server\default\conf\TrayIconInfo.xml and add "ipToBind" parameter to the following line: 

<SDP-PROPERTIES RequestScheme="http" WebPort="8080"/> 

Now the line would look like 

<SDP-PROPERTIES RequestScheme="http" WebPort="8080" ipToBind="xxx.yyy.www.zzz"/

[ xxx.yyy.www.zzz is the IP address of the server on which you intend to run SD+] 

2. Uncomment the following line in the same file: 

<!--ADDITIONALPARAMS ParamName="ipToBind" ParamValue="-bxxx.yyy.

Now the line would look like 

<ADDITIONALPARAMS ParamName="ipToBind" ParamValue="-bxxx.yyy.

3. Save the changes and Restart the Service.

In case, you want to start it from the command prompt, you can edit the run.bat file and add an argument to the AdventNetDeploymentSystem.jar as follows

set ARGS=%ARGS% -LAdventNetDeploymentSystem.jar -b <hostname/IP>

Save the file and stop the application to effect the changes and start the application again.

4. Change the URL in mssql-ds.xml/mysql-ds.xml like,

5. In case of mysql Configure the startDB.bat to append

For customers running version 9.4 and above

1. Stop ServiceDesk plus

2. Open the file system_properties.conf using a text editor of your choice (take a backup of the file before editing it) which can be found in [SDP-Home]/conf (By default: C:\ManageEngine\Servicedesk Plus\conf) and add the entry provided below: 

bindaddress=<ip address>

E.g.: bindaddress= 

3. Save the file

4.  Restart the application. 

For Linux Users :

IP Binding on the Linux machine.

1. Stop the server.

2. Open the Drive:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin\ file.

3. Modify the line: org.jboss.Main "-LAdventNetDeploymentSystem.jar" to org.jboss.Main "-LAdventNetDeploymentSystem.jar" -b <hostname/IP>

4. Start the server & you will find that ServiceDesk Plus binds to the specified IP.

5. Change the URL in mssql-ds.xml/mysql-ds.xml like,

In case of mysql Configure the to append

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