1. Stop the OpManager.
2. Execute the linkAsService.sh script under OpManager/bin directory
3. This will add the opmanager as service in the machine.
Commands to start/stop/restart the service:
For systemd* machines : systemctl start/stop/restart OpManager.service
For initd* machines : service OpManager start/stop/restart
*To find out if your machine is initd or systemd based, please run the command "stat /proc/1/exe". This will return
File: '/proc/1/exe' -> '/lib/systemd/systemd' - if it is systemd based (or)
File: '/proc/1/exe' -> '/sbin/init' - if it is initd based.
4. Make sure the hostname is added in the /etc/hosts file and perform reboot on the machine to check the status.
To add an entry in the /etc/hosts file :
If your host name is my-host-opm, add the entry " my-host-opm" in the hosts file.