How to send custom email notifications from a request with a configurable XML file.

How to send custom email notifications from a request with a configurable XML file.

This sample python script is used for sending custom notifications from ServiceDesk Plus when a criteria  is met.You all know that ServiceDesk Plus has notification rules and customizable templates to notify requesters, technicians, and other stake holders at various stages of the tickets. However, the flexibility to design and trigger a notification based on a combination of values in the request form will always drive contextual advantages in service delivery.

Use Case:

Let's assume that a support group owner intends to notify a list of users through email whenever a ticket with high impact is created in the group. In order to achieve this contextually, using notification rules won't help the IT admin.  Instead, a custom trigger with a customized email content can  be used to notify the users.

A short guide on setting up python is available here.

Execution steps:    

1.Copy the script and the configuration file into the custom script folder in the      \Manageengine\ServiceDesk\integration directory.

2.As the script uses an SMTP account to send custom notifications from the application, set this up in the  XML  configuration file called sendemail.xml.

3.Configure the   list of recipients, the sender's identity and the notification content in the configuration file without altering the script.

4. Configure the script under the  Admin  ->  Custom Triggers. Provide the name of the XML file that contains the configuration as the first parameter to the script.Let the second parameter be the path of the Request JSON file.

Following is a screenshot showing a sample configuration:

Take a look at the below  video for more information on configuring the XML file.

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