How to run commands on remote machines using PsTools

How to run commands on remote machines using PsTools

Using PsTools, we able to execute the command (for stop and start processes) on remote machines using Run System Command profile in OpManager.

Use this command directly in Run System command profile > command string. 

Download the Pssuite from this website:
and keep it in \opmanager\ directory.

We have given examples here for,

Kill application

E:\ManageEngine\OpManager\PSTools\pskill -t \\devicename -u domain\username -p password -accepteula notepad.exe

Open an application

E:\ManageEngine\OpManager\PSTools\PsExec \\devicename -u domain\username -p password -i -h -d -accepteula C:\Windows\notepad.exe

E:\ManageEngine\OpManager\PSTools\PsExec  \\opmanager -u workgroup\opmanager -p $upport17 -i -h -d -accepteula C:\Windows\notepad.exe 

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