Restoring a Backed up Instance on a Different Server | Online help - EventLog Analyzer

How to restore a backed up instance on a different server?

1. Copy the entire <EventLog Analyzer Home> directory to the new server. It is highly recommended that the new location be the same as the older one.

Eg: If the product was installed on an old server in C:\ManageEngine\EventLog, please make sure you use the same path in the new machine also. This will avoid the following conflicts:
  1. Existing archived files could not be loaded.
  2. & path.repo parameters in elasticsearch.yml which is located in <EventLogAnalyzer Home>\ES\config\ have to be modified with the new location.
  3. EventLog_Analyzer archive path should be modified (Settings -> Admin Settings -> Manage Archives -> Settings -> Archive Location).

2. Open CMD with the administrator privilege and navigate to <EventLog Analyzer Home>/bin and execute initpgsql.bat to set permissions to the database.

3. If the server cannot be installed, we need to install it manually. In the same location (<EventLog Analyzer Home>/bin) of CMD, execute the below command to install the EventLog Analyzer Service:
  1. service.bat -i

4. The service is now installed. Try starting the service and connect to UI and log in.

5. Restoration is completed. If the server name/IP address of the new server is same as the old server, verify if the Syslogs are being forwarded to the new server.
6. If not, to forward the logs from any Linux/Unix/router/switch/firewall/any Syslog devices to EventLog Analyzer, you need to re-point them to the new server/IP address.


Note: Check if the Agents have been modified correctly and if Agent is configured for any devices. Please do not delete the backup until the restoration is successful.

7. Verify the new setup by waiting for 30 minutes and check the if the log collection happens. 
8. If you are using MS SQL server as your database and if the MS SQL server is running in a remote computer, download and install SQL native client as per the SQL version/ODBC driver in the new Event Log Analyzer machine.
Note: The SQL native client details are available here. 

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