How to resolve KVM authentication issue in Applications Manager?
Execute the command "Virsh Version" in the kvm host with user account used for monitoring in Applications Manager and check the error response:
- Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory
Verify and install the following packages:
- For Ubuntu:
apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system bridge-utils
- For RHEL:
yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img libvirt virt-install libvirt-client libvirt-python
- For Cent:
yum install qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install
- Check and start the libvirtd service
- Systemctl status libvirtd - Check the libvirtd service status
- Systemctl start libvirtd - Start the libvirtd service
- Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied
- Use root account for monitoring KVM.
If you performed the above step and still facing the issue, then try execute the ServerSSHTroubleshoot.bat or sh file with the help of the following link:
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