There might be some rare situations where you have to remove unused AuthTokens from your Analytics Plus account. Please follow the steps below:
1. Launch Analytics Plus in a web-browser. The web address used to access the application is of the following format.
https://<hostname>:<port number> (example: https://analytics-server:8443)
2. Login to the application using your email address and password.
3. Please append /iam/u/h#sessions/userauthtoken to the end of this web address. If your server hostname is analytics-server and port number is 8443, the URL should be:
4. You will see a list of AuthTokens. Select AuthTokens that have a Last Accessed Time older than 30 days and delete them using the Remove Selected option.
Note: Please do not remove AuthTokens that have been used in the last 30 days unless you are sure it is not being used for other important purposes.