How to remove the ServiceDeskPlus details in OpManager?

How to remove the ServiceDeskPlus details in OpManager?

ISSUE: To remove the ServiceDeskPlus details in the Add-On settings page and from the device snapshot page.
We need to delete entries in the three tables in the database.
1. Connect to the database using this command,
C:\\..\\OpManager\\mysql\\bin>mysql -u root -P 13306 OpManagerDB
Please Note: If some other parameter is deleted, OpManager will not work properly. Delete the entries in database after checking it carefully.
2. Execute the following commands to delete the database entries,
a. select * from feed_login_params;
get the LOGIN_ID from the above command output in the 2nd row. It will look like this,
LOGIN_ID: 1087719270
PRODUCT_NAME: ServiceDeskPlus
b. delete from feed_login_params where LOGIN_ID=<the id from the above query>;
c. select * from feed_url;
get the FEED_ID from the above command output in the 2nd row. It will look like this,
FEED_ID: 411118580
d. delete from feed_url where FEED_ID=<the id from the above query>;
e. select * from servicedesk_config;
f. delete from servicedesk_config where TO_EMAIL like "%<email id without the domain name>%";
After this restart OpManager.

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