Query to list users who has access to SDP MSP via local authentication (Not working)

Query to list users who has access to SDP MSP via local authentication (Not working)

Doesnt work in builds from PGSQL (14300) or MSSQL (14306)
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "sdu"
Go to Reports-New Query Reports and execute the query.


select au.first_name "First Name", au.last_name "Last Name", aci.emailid "Email ID", al.name "Login Name", ad.org_name "Account", sdo.name "Site Name" from aaauser au inner join sduser sdu on au.user_id = sdu.userid inner join requester r on r.ciid = sdu.ciid inner join ci ci on ci.ciid = r.ciid  left join sdorganization sdo on ci.siteid = sdo.org_id 
left join accountsitemapping asm on sdo.org_id=asm.siteid 
left join accountdefinition ad on ad.org_id=asm.accountid 
left join aaausercontactinfo auci on auci.user_id = sdu.userid 
left join aaacontactinfo aci on aci.contactinfo_id = auci.contactinfo_id 
left join aaalogin al on au.user_id= al.user_id 
where sdu.status='ACTIVE' and  al.name is not null and al.domainname ='-'
Group by 1,2,3,4,5,6
Order by 5

List of Requesters with Local Authentication

select au.first_name "First Name", au.last_name "Last Name", aci.emailid "Email ID", al.name "Login Name", ad.org_name "Account", sdo.name "Site Name" from aaauser au 
left join sduser sdu on au.user_id = sdu.userid 
left join requester r on r.ciid = sdu.ciid 
left join ci ci on ci.ciid = r.ciid  
left join sdorganization sdo on ci.siteid = sdo.org_id 
left join accountsitemapping asm on sdo.org_id=asm.siteid 
left join accountdefinition ad on ad.org_id=asm.accountid 
left join aaausercontactinfo auci on auci.user_id = sdu.userid 
left join aaacontactinfo aci on aci.contactinfo_id = auci.contactinfo_id 
left join aaalogin al on au.user_id= al.user_id 
left join aaaaccount aacc on aacc.login_id=al.login_id
where al.name is not null and al.domainname ='-' and r.ciid IS NOT NULL

List of Technicians with Local Authentication

select au.first_name "First Name", au.last_name "Last Name", aci.emailid "Email ID", al.name "Login Name", ad.org_name "Account", sdo.name "Site Name" from aaauser au 
left join sduser sdu on au.user_id = sdu.userid 
left join requester r on r.ciid = sdu.ciid 
left join ci ci on ci.ciid = r.ciid  
left join sdorganization sdo on ci.siteid = sdo.org_id 
left join accountsitemapping asm on sdo.org_id=asm.siteid 
left join accountdefinition ad on ad.org_id=asm.accountid 
left join aaausercontactinfo auci on auci.user_id = sdu.userid 
left join aaacontactinfo aci on aci.contactinfo_id = auci.contactinfo_id 
left join aaalogin al on au.user_id= al.user_id 
left join aaaaccount aacc on aacc.login_id=al.login_id
where al.name is not null and al.domainname ='-' and r.ciid IS NULL

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