If you are looking to import the information for the attachment of the user module as shown below,
Sample imported table in the Analytics plus UI:
Then, please follow the below instructions:
1. Login to your Analytics Plus and go-to your ServiceDesk Plus workspace.
2. Click on create new table / import data.
3. Select local & cloud databases.
4. Under connection name select local databases -> choose the database type of your ServiceDesk Plus and fill in the connection information. (NOTE: If postgres SQL is your ServiceDesk Plus database, then you can find the database related information under <ServiceDesk home>\conf\database_params.conf) else, you can choose the custom backend DB.
5. Choose custom query ( radio button) and paste the below query based on your backend DB and hit next.
select aaauser.first_name as "UserName", string_agg(distinct (case when sdeskattachment.attachmentname is null then 'No' else 'Yes' end), ','), string_agg(sdeskattachment.attachmentname, ',') from aaauser inner join sduser on aaauser.user_id = sduser.userid left join userattachments on aaauser.user_id = userattachments.userid left join sdeskattachment on userattachments.attachmentid = sdeskattachment.attachmentid where sduser.status='ACTIVE' group by aaauser.user_id
select aaauser.first_name as "UserName", "Attachments yes or no"=STUFF((select distinct case when sa.attachmentname is null then 'No' else 'Yes' end from aaauser as au inner join sduser as sd on au.user_id = sd.userid left join userattachments as ua on au.user_id = ua.userid left join sdeskattachment as sa on ua.attachmentid = sa.attachmentid where aaauser.user_id = au.user_id and sd.status='ACTIVE' for xml path ('')),1,0,''),"Attachments Name"=STUFF((select CHAR(10)+ sa.attachmentname from aaauser as au inner join sduser as sd on au.user_id = sd.userid left join userattachments as ua on au.user_id = ua.userid left join sdeskattachment as sa on ua.attachmentid = sa.attachmentid where aaauser.user_id = au.user_id and sd.status='ACTIVE' for xml path ('')),1,1,'') from aaauser inner join sduser on aaauser.user_id = sduser.userid where sduser.status='ACTIVE';