Follow the steps given below to perform the silent installation in Windows:
1. To perform silent installation/uninstallation, a response file needs to be created first. To create a response file, execute the below command:
Response file for Installation:
"<Path>ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.exe" -a -r -f1"<Path>Install.iss"
Response file for Uninstallation:
"<Path>ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.exe" -a -r -f1"<Path>Uninstall.iss"
<Path> refers to the path in which the response (.iss) file needs to be saved.
2. Now execute the installer along with the response file to do silent installation using the below command:
For silent installation:
"<Path>ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.exe" -s -a -s -f1"<ISSPath>Install.iss" -f2"<LogPath>Install.log"
For silent uninstallation:
"<Path>ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_64bit.exe" -s -a -s -f1"<ISSPath>Uninstall.iss" -f2"<LogPath>Uninstall.log"
<Path> - Location of the installer (.exe) file.
<ISSPath> - Location of the response (.iss) file .
<LogPath> - Location where the log file needs to be created.
-f2 is optional. By default, the log file will be created in the current execution directory.
After performing the above steps, a
setup.log file will be created in the specified location directory. The InstallShield places any one of the following return values after the '
ResultCode' key name, indicating the status of execution in the
setup.log file:
- 0 = Success
- -1 = General error
- -2 = Invalid mode
- -3 = Required data not found in the setup.iss file
- -4 = Not enough memory available
- -5 = File does not exist
- -6 = Cannot write to the response file
- -7 = Unable to write to the log file
- -8 = Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file
- -9 = Not a valid list type (string or number)
- -10 = Data type is invalid
- -11 = Unknown error during setup
- -12 = Dialogs are out of order
- -51 = Cannot create the specified folder
- -52 = Cannot access the specified file or folder
- -53 = Invalid option selected
For a successful installation, the log file should look similar to the example below:
[InstallShield Silent]
File=Log File
Name=KiXscripts Editor
Company=RWK Systems, Inc.