How to manually uninstall Applications Manager?

How to manually uninstall Applications Manager?


  1. Shut Down Applications Manager (Ensure that the ManageEngine ApplicationsManager service has been stopped if it has been installed as a Windows service)
  2. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges, navigate go to the <Applications Manager Home> directory and execute the following commands:
    shutdownApplicationsManager.bat -force
  3. Exit the command prompt and close all files, folders that are open in the <Applications Manager Home> directory.
  4. Click Start → Programs → ManageEngine Applications Manager → Uninstall Applications Manager.
  5. Also from Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs.
If the uninstallation was unsuccessful, please follow the steps given below:
  1. Shut Down Applications Manager (Ensure that the ManageEngine ApplicationsManager service has been stopped if it has been installed as a Windows service)
  2. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges. [cmd > right click --> run as administrator] View screenshot
  3. Go to <Applications Manager Home> directory ( by default it is C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\AppManager\ ) and execute the below command:
           shutdownApplicationsManager.bat -force
  4. Click on the Windows Start button -> Run -> regedit. Then in the Registry Editor, go to
           For 32-bit machine: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Uninstall 
           For 64-bit machine: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Uninstall
    Delete the key entry that has the DisplayName as ManageEngine Applications Manager .
  5. Delete the directory which has the same name as the above entry in the C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\ directory (For a 64 bit machine, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information directory)
  6. If Applications Manager has been installed as a service, uninstall the service first by executing the uninstallService.bat file under <Applications Manager Home>\bin\ directory.
  7. Delete it from the start menu by right clicking on Start -> All Programs -> ManageEngine Applications Manager xx and choosing the delete option.
  8. Finally, delete all the files present under <Applications Manager Home> directory. 


For Applications Manager versions below 15980:
  1. From the command line, go to <Applications Manager Home> directory (by default, it is under /opt/ManageEngine/AppManager ) and execute the below commands:
    cd _ManageEngine\ Applications\ Manager15_installation/
    ./Change\ ManageEngine\ Applications\ Manager15\ Installation -i console
  2. Delete all the files present under the <Applications Manager Home> directory.
For Applications Manager v15980 and above, follow the steps given below to manually uninstall Applications Manager in Linux:
  1. From the command line, go to <Applications Manager Home> directory (by default, it is under /opt/ManageEngine/AppManager ) and execute the below commands:
          sh -force
  2. Exit out of the command prompt and close all files, folders opened in the <Applications Manager Home> directory.
  3. Execute the command ./uninstallApplicationsManager from the <Applications Manager Home> directory.
  4. Click Uninstall in the popup screen to proceed.
  5. Finally, delete all the files present under the <Applications Manager Home> directory. (by default, it is under /opt/ManageEngine/AppManager )
If you still face any issues due to permissions or due to files being locked then run below command to make sure all process are killed from the /opt/ManageEngine/AppManager location.
ps -auxwwwwwww|grep working|grep \`pwd\`|grep java|awk '{system("kill -9 "$2)}'
   rm -rf working/pgsql/data/amdb/postmaster.opts

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