How to Integrate ServiceDesk Plus Cloud with Applications Manager

How to Integrate ServiceDesk Plus Cloud with Applications Manager

To integrate ServiceDesk Plus Cloud with Applications Manager, you need to configure and add OAuth Provider first

Steps to configure and add OAuth Provider for ServiceDesk Plus Cloud Integration

  1. Visit the developer console portal at . If your account belongs to a different domain, please refer here to find the appropriate URL for your region. For example, if you are in Europe, use
  2. Click on Get started, then select Create Now under the Server-based Applications section.
  3. Provide the below details
    3.1) Client Name - This acts as a display name for this registration.
    3.2) Homepage URL of Applications Manager (Example: https://FQDN-host-name:8443)
    3.3) Redirect URI of APM (Redirect URI value can be copied from Settings -> Discovery & Data collection -> OAuth Provider -> Add OAuth provider pop-up in Applications Manager GUI)
  4. Once you click on Create button in Zoho API console portal, A Client ID and Secret ID will be shown
  5. Now login to Applications Manager using https protocol and fqdn hostname (You can find this login URL from Help card in Settings -> Discovery & Data collection -> OAuth Provider page)
  6. Now open Add OAuth provider pop-up by clicking Settings -> Discovery & Data collection -> OAuth Provider -> Add OAuth provider
  7. Fill the form by referring below
    7.1) Provider name -> SDP Cloud Integration (you can give any name of your choice)
    7.2) Leave the Grant Type drop down to the default value which is Authorization Code
    7.3) Fill the Client Id and Secret Id by copying the values from the Zoho API console page 
    7.4) Authorization endpoint URL -> If your account belongs to a different domain, please refer here to find the appropriate accounts server URL for your region. For example, if you are in Europe, use
    7.5) Scope :
    7.6) Query Parameters :
             Name -
             Value - offline
    7.7) Token endpoint URL -> If your account belongs to a different domain, please refer here to find the appropriate accounts server URL for your region. For example, if you are in Europe, use
    7.8) Choose Post request body for Token Request Method
    7.9) Now click Authorize button, a pop-up will ask your permission to Allow the above mentioned scopes to Applications Manager 
    7.10) Click Allow, OAuth provider is now configured and added successfully

Steps to integrate ServiceDesk Plus Cloud with added OAuth provider

  1. Go to Settings -> Product Settings -> Add-On Settings -> Click the + sign in the lower right corner of the ServiceDesk Plus Cloud tile
  2. Provide your ServiceDesk Plus Cloud URL along with the instance name similar to below URL  
  3. Choose the added OAuth provider from the OAuth Provider drop-down
  4. Check Advanced Settings and Enable Ticketing option to configure Ticket settings
  5. Click on the Test Connection and Save button

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