Text Instructions:
1. Login to your Analytics Plus and go-to your ServiceDesk Plus workspace.
2. Click on create new table / import data.
3. Select local & cloud databases.
4. Under connection name select local databases -> choose the database type of your ServiceDesk Plus and fill in the connection information. (NOTE: If postgres SQL is your ServiceDesk Plus database, then you can find the database related information under <ServiceDesk home>\conf\database_params.conf)
5. Choose custom query ( radio button) and paste the below query and hit next.

SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", rrs.RESOLUTION AS "Resolution", wotodesc.FULLDESCRIPTION AS "Description" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderToDescription wotodesc ON wo.WORKORDERID=wotodesc.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN RequestResolver rrr ON wo.WORKORDERID=rrr.REQUESTID LEFT JOIN RequestResolution rrs ON rrr.REQUESTID = rrs.REQUESTID WHERE (wo.ISPARENT='1')
6. Type the table name (Description Field) and choose the proper datatypes for the columns in the preview. Click Next to proceed.
Below are the datatypes for the columns.

Request ID -> Positive Number,
Description -> Multi Line Text
Resolution -> Multi Line Text
7. Setup a schedule interval to periodically fetch the latest data from the database specified.
8. Open the table "Description Field", goto Request ID column -> right click -> change to lookup column.
9. Choose "Request ID" from the request table. Click
here to know more about creating a lookup column.