Description details from the Requests' module are not available out-of-the box in Analytics Plus as it might contain HTML contents and cannot be displayed properly for reporting. However, if you wish to import description details into Analytics Plus, you can follow the below steps
Text Instructions:
1. Login to your Analytics Plus and go-to your ServiceDesk Plus workspace.
2. Click on create new table / import data.
3. Select local & cloud databases.
4. Under connection name select local databases -> choose the database type of your ServiceDesk Plus and fill in the connection information. (NOTE: If postgres SQL is your ServiceDesk Plus database, then you can find the database related information under <ServiceDesk home>\conf\database_params.conf)
5. Choose custom query ( radio button) and paste the below query and hit next.

SELECT wo.WORKORDERID AS "Request ID", wotodesc.FULLDESCRIPTION AS "Description" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderToDescription wotodesc ON wo.WORKORDERID=wotodesc.WORKORDERID WHERE (wo.ISPARENT='1')
6. Type the table name (Description Field) and choose the proper datatypes for the columns in the preview. Click Next to proceed.
Below are the datatypes for the columns.

Request ID -> Positive Number,
Description -> Plain Text
7. Setup a schedule interval to periodically fetch the latest data from the database specified.
8. Open the table "Description Field", goto Request ID column -> right click -> change to lookup column.
9. Choose "Request ID" from the request table. Click
here to know more about creating a lookup column.