How to get an IP Address for Hyper-V Linux VM in APM?
Hyper-V Integration Service:
- Hyper-V Integration Services enhance virtual machine performance and provide convenience features by leveraging two-way communication with the Hyper-V host.
How to Install the Linux Integration Service in Hyper-V Linux VM:
- IP Address for Hyper-V Linux VM will be retrieved by APM if linux-azure package has been installed on that Linux VM.
- For Example, In Ubuntu the following command should be executed to enable two-way communication with the Hyper-V host "apt-get install linux-azure".
Turn an Integration Service on or off using Hyper-V Manager:
- From the center pane, right-click the virtual machine and click Settings.
- From the left pane of the Settings window, under Management, click Integration Services.
- The Integration Services pane lists all integration services available on the Hyper-V host, and whether the host has enabled the virtual machine to use them.

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