How to get ISP and Region data in Real User Monitor?

How to get ISP and Region data in Real User Monitor?

The default setting of the Real User Monitor does not display ISP and region data for the end user. To obtain the data, you have the option to use a third-party Geolocation API. Currently, RUM exclusively supports APIs that provide responses in JSON format.

Understanding IP Geolocation API

An IP Geolocation API functions as a web service designed to furnish geolocation details derived from an IP address. Its purpose is to assist in ascertaining the approximate physical whereabouts of an IP address, offering applicability across a spectrum of applications and services. Generally, the IP Geolocation API requires an IP address as input and, in return, provides data concerning the corresponding geographical situation. This data encompasses particulars like the nation, region, city, and Internet Service Provider (ISP) linked to the given IP address.

Numerous IP Geolocation APIs are accessible in the market, a portion of which furnish complimentary tiers featuring usage constraints. Depending on the specific application and user volume, it becomes pivotal to assess whether the offered free tier meets requirements or if an upgraded, paid scheme becomes necessary. 

Upon acquiring a Geolocation API, it is advisable to consult the API documentation issued by the provider. Within the documentation, seek out the particulars illustrated in the following example. Subsequently, integrate these specifics into the configuration of the RUM Agent.

Example : 

  Geolocation API

  IP address

  An API might expect IP Address to be passed either in URI or query param.
  1. URI :
  1. Query param : 
  API Response
   "query": "",
   "status": "success",
   "country": "India",
   "countryCode": "IN",
   "region": "TamilNadu",
   "regionCode": "TN",
   "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
   "isp": "VSNL"

  API Response Breakdown
  'country'           :   The country associated with the IP address.
  'countryCode'  :   The two-letter country code of the country.
  'region'             :   The State/Region associated with the IP address..
  'regionCode'    :   The region code of the State associated with the IP address.
  'isp'                   :   The Internet Service Provider associated with the IP address.

Geolocation API configuration in the RUM Agent

  1. Open the GeolocationAPIResources.xml file located under <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/ directory in any text editor.
  2. Add the third-party API details to the 'GeolocationAPIResources.xml' file, mirroring the sample API configurations given below.
IP in query param
<GEO-API-DETAILS resource="1" method="queryparam" url=""  ipKey="ip" responseType="JSON" countryKey="country" countryCodeKey="countryCode" regionKey="regionName" regionCodeKey="regionCode" ispKey="org"/>

<GEO-API-DETAILS resource="2" method="uri" url="{query}/json"  ipKey="ip" responseType="JSON" countryKey="location" countryCodeKey="regionCode" regionKey="regionName" regionCodeKey="regionCode" ispKey="isp"/>

1. Support for passing IP Address in URI is exclusively available starting from RUM Agent version 3.7.
2. Support for fetching region/state data is exclusively available starting from RUM Agent version 3.12 and AppManager version 172600.
  Specify the unique resource identifier.
  Specify how the IP Address needs to be passed to the endpoint.
  1. 'queryparam' - IP address will be passed as a query string. eg:
  1. 'uri' - IP address will be passed as a URI. eg:

  Specify the Geolocation API.
  1. If the method is queryparam, provide the API alone. eg:
  1. If the method is uri,  add a {query} tag to the Geolocation API in which the IP address needs to passed. Examples :
  Specify the query param name in which the IP address needs to be passed. (For queryparam method).
  Specify the key in which the API response contains the country associated with the IP address.
  Specify the key in which the API response contains the two-letter country code of the country.
  Specify the key in which the API response contains the region/state name associated with the IP address.
  Specify the key in which the API response contains the region/state code of the region.
  Specify the key in which the API response contains the Internet Service Provider associated with the IP address.

  1. Now open the file located under the <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/ directory in any text editor.
  2. Update the geo.api.type key value with the unique resource identifier as given in GeolocationAPIResources.xml file.
  3. Save the files and restart the agent.
Sample Configurations

GeolocationAPIResources.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GEO-API-DETAILS resource="1" method="queryparam" url=""  ipKey="ip" responseType="JSON" countryKey="country" countryCodeKey="countryCode" regionKey="regionName" regionCodeKey="regionCode" ispKey="org"/>
<GEO-API-DETAILS resource="2" method="uri" url="{query}/json" ipKey="ip" responseType="JSON" countryKey="location" countryCodeKey="countryCode" ispKey="isp"/>

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