Query to find the deptid:
* In order to add a user under the correct department/site, the departmentid is required. The department id can be found using the below query.
* In the application UI, go to Reports - > New query report, and execute the below query. This will show the site details and the department id.
Select distinct adef.org_name "Account Name", asite.siteid, pdep.deptid, pdep.ciid, ddef.deptname from accountdefinition adef LEFT JOIN portalaccounts pac ON adef.org_id=pac.accountid left join
accountci ac on pac.ciid=ac.ciid left join accountsitemapping asite on adef.org_id=asite.accountid left join departmentdefinition ddef on asite.siteid=ddef.siteid left join portaldepartments pdep on ddef.deptid=pdep.deptid
where adef.org_name like '%AccountName%' and ddef.deptname like '%DepartmentName%';
- > In the above filter, you shall mention the Account name and department name if you would want to know the departmentid for a specific department under which the user ought to be added.
Adding user via API:
Now, that the department id is known, the user shall be added via API under the given department.
Sample API Json Input:
"user": {
"first_name": "Abdullah",
"last_name": "M",
"name": "Abdullah M",
"is_vipuser": "false",
"department": {
"id": "1"
"mobile": "02892902",
"description": "Help Desk manager",
"jobtitle": "Java developer",
"phone": "929992",
"secondary_emailids": [