How to find Command Prompt value for server monitors in Applications Manager

How to find Command Prompt value for server monitors in Applications Manager

To add a server monitor with SSH/Telnet in Applications Manager, you need to specify the Command Prompt value.
You can find this value in two ways:

1. From the target server:
  1. In the server that you want to monitor, open a command prompt window.
  2. The last character you see in the command prompt window (just before the cursor) is the Command Prompt value.
Note: The default value is $. Possible values are >, #, etc...

2. From Applications Manager server:
  1.  Execute the server SSH troubleshoot script from the server in which you've installed Applications Manager.
  2.  After succesful execution, you would have logged in to the target server.
  3. The the last character in your command prompt is the Command Prompt value.
Eg. This is a sample output snippet after successful execution of SSH troubleshoot script. You can see that the Command Prompt value is $.

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