For example,
updateHostNameAndIp.bat/sh [Previous HostName/IpAddress] [new HostName/IpAddress] [UpdateHost/UpdateIp][Previous HostName/IpAddress] Previous HostName or IpAddress which is to be changed[new HostName] new HostName or IpAddress[UpdateHost/UpdateIp] If you want to updatehostname, use option UpdateHost. If you want to update IpAddress, then use option UpdateIp
The oldhostname is the name what is displayed in Applications Manager. This you can find by going to the Monitors details page of any services in the host. The newhostname is the latest name. Also use updateIPaddress for changing ipaddress of server.
Note This will change the hostname of the monitors. The displayname of the monitors will not be changed. You can change this by going to Edit Monitor link for the individual monitors. |