How to execute runWLSMbean.bat or sh file?

How to execute runWLSMbean.bat or sh file?

Execute the runWLSMbean.bat or sh file from the <AppManager_home>\bin\troubleshooting folder via command prompt or terminal.
  1. Eg. ~/Zoho/ManageEngine/ManagedServer/AppManager15/bin/troubleshooting$ ./
It will prompt for the details to connect to the Weblogic Server:

      Enter the weblogic version [6,7,8,9,10,12] :  
      Enter the version of the weblogic server that needs troubleshooting.
      Eg. 12

      Enter the Weblogic server host : 
      Enter the host name or IP address of the machine in which the Weblogic server is running.

      Enter the Port :
      Enter the port in which the Weblogic server is running
      Eg. 8001

      Is SSL enabled (yes/no) :
      Type yes, if SSL is enabled for the Weblogic Server. Default value is no.
      Username :
      Enter the username of the Weblogic server.
      Eg. weblogic

      Password : 
      Enter the password of the Weblogic server.
      Eg. xxxxx

After entering the input for all the above prompts, if the connection is successful, you will see an output similar to the one given below:

jar loader 12
webapp's 5

If the connection is unsuccessful or if the prerequisites haven't been met, you might face errors or get an output different from the one mentioned above.

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