While all user accounts must be authenticated before gaining access to enterprise resources, privileged user accounts are of the utmost priority because they pose the greatest risk of confidential data compromise. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an effective solution to help protect access to privileged user accounts as it enables additional authentication methods to be implemented besides standard password-based authentication. This eliminates the risk of system takeover due to password compromise. ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus offers MFA for machine, VPN, Outlook Web Access, and enterprise application logins, making it a well-rounded solution to secure privileged user authentication.
Create a self-service policy and select domains, groups, or OUs that the privileged user accounts are a part of.
Configure stringent methods such as biometrics, Microsoft Authenticator, and YubiKey Authenticator, and select the policy created in Step 1. Configure settings such as the number of factors and authentication methods for each MFA type.
Enable forced user enrollment, send enrollment notifications, or enroll privileged user accounts in the product by importing data from CSV files or databases.