(A) Create two incident additional fields with Date/time property as below:
1) Start Date
2) End Date
Associate these additional fields in your Request Templates.
- Create a request Status (Admin -> Status) with name Leave
(B) Set your Operational hours. Ex - between 9.00 AM and 6.00 PM ( Path - Admin -> Operational Hours)
(C) You can add your organization wide holidays by pathing to the Holidays option (Path - Admin -> Holidays ) the dates of his holidays needs to be entered and saved.
(D)=> Download the attached files and paste it under -> ManageEngine\Service Desk\integrations\Custom scripts.
1) - Now Edit the worklog_MSP.py file and Search and Modify the below -> Holidays(Its the date of your holidays configured in our application), and your usual operational Hour start time and end time in the same format as present in your system.
startdate_udf and enddate_udf == Refer to API field name in your set up (refer first image) and provide the same in the relevant place.
(E) After doing this you need to create a custom trigger as shown in the below image. (Admin -> Custom triggers)
-> Post doing this , technicians who are planning for vacation needs to create a ticket. They should set the status as Leave and Start date and End date of their leave.
-> Once done , a ticket will be created along with worklogs for the mentioned dates.