How to create a request using an existing template through powershell.

How to create a request using an existing template through powershell.

This is a Powershell script that calls the ServiceDesk Plus API to create a new request based on an existing Incident or Service Request template name.

UseCase: We have Considered a Service Request for 'New Hire' in this script.The Answer that is returned for a additional field is used to trigger the creation of a New Child Request.

Execution steps:
1. Run this command line below in the PowerShell CMD window as administrator:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Choose an ExecutionPolicy of your choice from the link here.

2. Download and copy the script file into the \Manageengine\ServiceDesk\integration directory.

3. Update the application url and technician api key in the script file.

4. Configure the script under the  Admin -> Custom trigger,like shown below.

In "Script file to run" insert this command line given below:
cmd /c start /wait powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -file c:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\integration\custom_scripts\createsecurityrequest.ps1 $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE

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