This script is applicable only for builds prior to 11138.
This is a sample python script that triggers the creation of a Change Request in ServiceDesk Plus using the Change API.The request ID of the parent request is appended to the subject line of the change request.
Use Case:
Let us assume a scenario where a requester needs to create a change request.This requirement may not warrant a change in their role to a technician with access to the Change module.Therefore create a request template with the value in the Request type field.This is used to trigger the creation of a new change request.
A short guide on setting up python is available here.
Execution steps:
1. Copy the script file into the \Manageengine\ServiceDesk\integration directory.
2. Update the script with the help of the comments that are provided within the script.
3. Configure the script under the Admin -> Custom Triggers. Provide the path of the request json file as the input to the script.
Below is a screenshot showing a sample configuration.