Open a CMD prompt as an administrator and navigate to ManageEngine\supportcenterplus\pgsql\bin and run the below command
1. If the database is PGSQL (Default database)
psql -h localhost -U scpadmin -p 65432 -d supportcenter
-> For version till 14610: Enter password scp@123 if prompted.(Default Password)
Password for versions from 14620: Open a command prompt as an administrator -> path to the application folder -> bin , execute the below command.
For Windows: execute decryptPostgresPassword.bat -> for Windows
The password will be displayed there.
For linux -> ./psql -h -U scpadmin supportcenter -p 65432
Password for versions from 14620: Open a command prompt as an administrator -> path to the application folder -> bin , execute the below command.
For Linux: sh
The password will be displayed there.
In the MSSQL Server, connect to the SQL studio.
Default Database name: supportcenter