How to connect to external postgres(external DB)

How to connect to external postgres(external DB)

1. From the postgres installed path navigate to bin folder and open a command prompt

2. Execute the command --> pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\data" start (Postgres server gets started)
3. Connect to DB using the command-->psql -U postgres -h -p 5432(update the postgres port number)
4. Create a database in external server using command-->CREATE DATABASE databasename;
5.Connect to the database-->\c databasename(database gets connected)
6.Create the extensions using the below queries

CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "pg_stat_statements";

7. Execute below command in command prompt  and ensure whether pg_stat_statements and pg_trgm extensions are listed in the output.
8. From product installed path modify the StartDBServer parameter as false on customer-config.xml file present in the conf folder to connect external PostgreSQL.
9.Use changeDBServer.bat and connect to postgres as superuser. (Username: Postgres and Password: <Super User Password>).
10.Start the application.

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