How to Configure Process Templates using Regex

How to Configure Process Templates using Regex

Process templates enable efficient tracking of specific processes on target systems. By using REGEX (regular expressions) within templates, you can match dynamic or variable process names and arguments, making monitoring more flexible and precise. Follow the steps given below to configure process templates with regex for optimized monitoring:
  1. Go to Settings  Template Library Add New.
  2. Click on 'Please add the process to the template' to open a pop-up.
  3. Select 'Manually enter process details' and provide a valid display name for the process.
  4. Enter an exact process name in the Process Name field.
  5. To match a specific value at the end of a command argument and provide a value in the following format: ".*COMMAND".
  6. Enable the 'Use Regular expression' option, located to the right of the Process Argument box. 
  7. Click on Save.
  1. The above steps are meant to enable regex support in the Process Argument field. By executing steps 5-6 in the Process Name field, users can also apply regex patterns there.
  2. To match only for specific values which are in the middle of the argument, use the following format - ".*COMMAND.*". The COMMAND placeholder must be replaced by the actual value and ".*" is added to the beginning and the end.
  3. Refer to the Regex guide for further clarification.
Behavior Note:
A monitoring profile will be created for the selected monitor(s) or monitor type(s), regardless of whether the specified process is running on the target server(s). If the process is not found on the target server, a Down alert will be triggered. Therefore, please ensure that the appropriate monitor(s) or monitor type(s) are carefully selected or associated.

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