How to calculate satisfactory level for Survey

How to calculate satisfactory level for Survey

We are considering the rating value (Score) in the calculation of the survey

Example : 

Suppose the Survey has 7 Questions with maximum of 10 Radio type points and each points carry above mentioned score.

If customer clicks 9 for all 7 questions (that carry 5 score)

In such case the calculation will be : ((7*5)*100)/7*10 = 50 %.

Please note : Once the survey is published , we could not know the score configured for each question.
To know the score, use the below query :

The following query can be used to find the actual score value for the surveys and questions and the display value that they have configured for the radio option. 

select sm.surveyname,sq.quesid,sq.questext,sro.optiontext as "Survey answer value", sro.multiplier as "Actual survey score" from survey_main sm inner join surveytoquestionmapping sqm on sm.surveyid = sqm.surveyid  inner join survey_question sq on sqm.quesid = sq.quesid inner join survey_radio_option sro on sro.quesid = sq.quesid  where sq.questype = 'Radio' order by sq.quesid,sro.multiplier;


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