How to automatically create a project and associate it to a change using change custom triggers.

How to automatically create a project and associate it to a change using change custom triggers.

This script is applicable only for builds prior to 11138.

This post describes the use of a sample python script you to create a Project automatically from a Change request and create a association between them.This script can be configured under Change custom triggers and you will find more information about this here.This is achieved using a API call to create a project in ServiceDesk Plus and is based on the use of Project Templates.The change request details are stored as a JSON object in a file and its path is provided as input to the script.

Use Case: There may be scenarios when creating a Project as part of a Change process might be necessary.In this case, the script will look for the value in a field called 'Create Project ?'.If it is set as 'Yes' the data from the Change will be used in creating a Project, using a specific Project Template.The project is then associated to the change from which it was created.

Execution steps:
1. Download and copy the script file into the \Manageengine\ServiceDesk\integration directory.

2. Update the protocol , servername and portnumber used to access ServiceDesk and the technician api key in the script file.

3. Configure the script under the  Admin  ->  Custom Triggers ,like shown below.

A short guide on setting up python is available here.

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