How to auto share requests to groups specified in the request tasks.

How to auto share requests to groups specified in the request tasks.

This post described the use of a python script to share requests to groups specified in the tasks that are associated with a request.This script can be configured under Request custom triggers and you will find more information about this here.

This can be also configured on 'Request custom menu' so that the action can be invoked when it is required.You can find more information about this feature in the link available here.

Use Case: There may be a scenario where multiple parties like testers and developers might be involved in a request fulfillment. For that, the progress of the request has to be constantly monitored by them. However, they cannot be given full privileges to access all requests associated with a site/group/department. This script will automatically share the request to the groups assigned to Tasks associated with the request.

Execution steps:

1. Download and copy the script file into the \Manageengine\ServiceDesk\integration\customscripts directory.
2. Update the application url , the technician api key in the configuration.json.
3. Update the additional api name in the script.
4. Configure the script under the  Admin  ->  Request Custom Triggers,like shown below.

A short guide on setting up python is available here.

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