Tcode - SU56 (To check if all the authorization objects are assigned)
To assign SAP Authorization objects to a user profile, follow the below steps :
1. Create a new SAP Role
- Enter the TCode 'PFCG'
- Enter a new Role name in the field 'Role'.
- Click the 'Single Row' button
- A new role will be created, now you can assign Authorization objects and assign it to a user profile
2. Switch to Authorizations tab and Click 'Change Authorization Data'
3. Once the authorization window is opened, click on the 'Manually' option and enter the authorization objects: 'S_RFC', 'S_XMI_LOG', and 'S_XMI_PROD'.
4. Expand S_RFC and assign the below values
- Activity : Select Execute
- Name of RFC Object : *
- Type of RFC Object to which access : 'Function module' & 'Function group
5. Expand S_XMI_PROD and assign the below values
- XMI Logging (Company name) : ZOHO
- XMI Logging (Program name) : *
- Interface ID : XAL, XBP (enter in separate field)
6. Expand S_XMI_PROD and assign the below values
- Access method for XMI Log : *
7. Click 'Generate' and Save
8. Switch to 'User' tab'
9. Enter the username and click "Save." The role with the minimum required SAP authorization objects will now be assigned to the user.