How to renew your ServiceDesk Plus license

How to apply renewed license when the existing one expires

The steps have to be carried out from ServiceDesk installed server,

Go to Services.msc and stop the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Service, after which open the command prompt with Admin privileges (Run it as Administrator) and point to the bin directory of ManageEngine ServiceDesk to invoke the command run.bat as shown below,


Upon doing this, it will show a pop as Registration Period has expired. Click on Ok > It will open a window to browse the license > Browse the license and apply it. Following that the application will start in the command prompt as shown in the screenshot below

Once you get as shown in Screenshot 1, press and hold the CTRL key and then the letter C  (CTRL+C) in the keyboard and the process will get destroyed. After which press 'Y' to terminate the batch job and that will bring you back to the [SDP-Home]\bin as shown in below screenshot,

Now close the command prompt and go to services.msc and start the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus service to get the application back online.

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