How to add an APM Insight Node.js agent in Kubernetes via InitContainers?

How to add an APM Insight Node.js agent in Kubernetes via InitContainers?

To integrate the APM Insight Node.js agent into your Kubernetes applications using InitContainers, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
Create an empty volume that will be used to copy the agent files during the initContainers process.
  1. volumes:
  2.    - name: app-volume

Step 2:
Include the following initContainers command in your helm chart/deployment YAML file.
  1. initContainers:
  2.       - name: init-npm
  3.         image: site24x7/apminsight-nodejsagent:latest
  4.         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  5.         command: ['cp', '-r', '/opt/site24x7/.', '/apm']
  6.         volumeMounts:
  7.   - name: app-volume
  8.     mountPath: /apm

Step 3:
Mount the volume created in step 2 into your application container.
  1. containers:
  2.           env:
  3.             - name: NODE_OPTIONS
  4.               value: "--require /apm/node_modules/apminsight"
  5.             - name: APMINSIGHT_LICENSE_KEY
  6.               value: "<license-key>"
  7.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APP_NAME
  8.               value: "<application-name>"
  9.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APP_PORT
  10.               value: "<application-port>"
  11.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APM_HOST
  12.               value: "<manageengine-applications-manager-server-host>"
  13.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APM_PORT
  14.               value: "<manageengine-applications-manager-server-port>"
  15.          volumeMounts:
  16.             - mountPath: /apm   
  17.         name: app-volume 
Example YAML deployment file for your reference:
  1. apiVersion: apps/v1
  2. kind: Deployment
  3. metadata:
  4.   name: sample-deployment
  5. spec:
  6.   replicas: 1
  7.   selector:
  8.     matchLabels:
  9.       app: sample-app
  10.   template:
  11.     metadata:
  12.       labels:
  13.         app: sample-app
  14.     spec:
  15.       initContainers:
  16.       - name: init-npm
  17.         image: site24x7/apminsight-nodejsagent:latest
  18.         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  19.         command: ['cp', '-r', '/opt/site24x7/.', '/apm']
  20.         volumeMounts:
  21.              - name: app-volume
  22.                 mountPath: /apm

  23.       containers:
  24.         - name: main-container
  25.           image: myrepository/sample-nodejs-app:latest
  26.           env:
  27.             - name: NODE_OPTIONS
  28.               value: "--require /apm/node_modules/apminsight"
  29.             - name: APMINSIGHT_LICENSE_KEY
  30.               value: "<license-key>"
  31.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APP_NAME
  32.               value: "<application-name>"
  33.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APP_PORT
  34.               value: "<application-port>"
  35.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APM_HOST
  36.               value: "<manageengine-applications-manager-server-host>"
  37.             - name: APMINSIGHT_APM_PORT
  38.               value: "<manageengine-applications-manager-server-port>"
  39.           volumeMounts:
  40.             - mountPath: /apm   
  41.               name: app-volume
  42.       volumes:
  43.          - name: app-volume 
  44.       emptyDir: {}

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