In order to find if a particular Applications Manager installation
is heavily loaded you can use the Load Factor, which is provided in the
'Support' tab under the 'Applications Manager Installation Information' category. The Load Factor can be denoted by x.y where x represents Managed
server polling load factor and y represents Managed server data base
load factor
The load factor follows
the format x.y, where 'x' represents load on Applications Manager
Server, while 'y' represents the load on the Database used by
Applications Manager. A value of zero represents least loaded, while a
value of nine represents most loaded. Hence Load Factor can take values
from 0.0 to 9.9 (heavily loaded). The Load Factor of each of the Managed
Servers is also displayed in the Admin server under the "Managed
Servers" option and you can use the same to distribute load evenly among
the Managed Servers. The Maximum value of x,y can be configured in file of Admin server:
- x - am.mas.polling.max.loadfactor - default value 5
- y - am.mas.database.max.loadfactor - default value 5
The value can be configurable in The key is am.max.monitorcount.mas and default value is 500.
x < maxAllowedValueOfPollingLoad (and)
y < maxAllowedValueOfDatabaseLoad (and)
n < maxMonitorAllowedIf the condition is not matched then we show the "No Managed server is available" message to the user.
However, while adding a new monitor from an Admin server, the managed server under which the monitor is to be added can be selected manually by the user or using load factor by Applications Manager. The value for Maximum monitors allowed per Managed server can be configured in The key is am.max.monitorcount.mas and default value is 500.
Selecting Managed Server Using Load Factor:
You can select one of the following options in the Add Monitor Page:
- Least Loaded Managed Server from all Managed Servers
- Least Loaded Managed Server from a Managed Server Group
Managed Server Groups:
Certain resources can be monitored from managed servers running
in the same domain/ geographical location as the resource. Load factor
calculation across all the distributed managed servers can result in the
addition of a monitor in a server located in another domain (since the
load factor condition matches). Grouping managed servers in the same
area gives the user the option to use load balancing within the group of
managed servers.