How SSL/TLS Certificate Grading works ?

How SSL/TLS Certificate Grading works ?

The SSL Certificate Grade is determined based on factors like supported protocols, cipher strength, certificate key exchange size, and the presence of certificate vulnerabilities. The supported grades are as follows:

Grade Values:

90 and above
80 to 90
75 to 80
65 to 75
50 to 65
35 to 50
20 to 35
Below 20

Additional conditions for assigning the grades:

  1. Grade F: Assigned if the SSL/TLS certificate has vulnerabilities such as FREAK or LOGJAM.

  2. Grade C: Assigned if the SSL/TLS certificate has the CRIME vulnerability or if both RCE and either TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 are present.

  3. Grade B: Assigned if the SSL/TLS certificate has any of the following:

    1. BEAST vulnerability

    2. RCE vulnerability

    3. Lack of Forward Secrecy

    4. Usage of either TLSv1.1 or TLSv1

    5. Lack of AEAD

Note : SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols are excluded when determining the grade of the SSL/TLS certificate.

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