How can I update the server IP in the database?
Follow these steps to update the server IP in the database:
1) Execute <AppManager_Home>\bin\troubleshooting\UpdateIP.bat file with the old and new hostname as arguments.
For example,
updateIp.bat [mysql port] [previous IpAddress] [new IpAddress] [mysql password]
[mysql port] Mysql port used by applications manager. It is the value of the am.mysql.port (or am.db.port) entry mentioned in the AppManagerHome\conf\ file
[previous Ip] The previous or old ip address which needs to be changed. It is displayed in Applications Manager. This you can find by going to the Monitors details page of any services in the host.
[new Ip] The new ip address
[Password] Password for connecting to MySQL. By default appmanager is the password.
2) After executing this, restart Applications Manager and check if the IPs are updated.
Note: These steps will change the IP of the monitors. The display name of the monitors will not be changed. You can change this by going to Edit Monitor link for the individual monitors.
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