How do I move ServiceDeskPlus – MSP from one server to another server?

How do I move ServiceDeskPlus – MSP from one server to another server?

Following are the steps to move data from the existing server to a new server.  Before you start, click stop fetching under Admin->Mail Server Settings->Incoming in your existing instance. So that the mails in the servicedesk mailbox will be fetched directly to the new server once restore is done.

Step 1: Stop ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus – MSP service.

Step 2: Open Command Prompt as an Administrator and execute the below command, to start the data backup.

ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus – MSP\bin>backUpData.bat 

Once the backup is complete, a backup file with .data extension is placed in the Backup folder under ServiceDesk Plus – MSP Home directory. This backup file contains information about the Build number of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP, and the date and time of when the backup was performed. Here is the format of the backup file.

Backup_ ServiceDesk_ [Build number] _Month _date _ Year _ Hour _Minutes

For example, a backup taken in Version 9.4 and Build 9400 of ServiceDeskPlus – MSP looks like this


Step 3: Copy the backup folder from the old server to the new server anywhere convenient.

Step 4: Install ServiceDesk Plus – MSP on the new server. Ensure you find the same build from the archives link, which you have installed on the current server.

Step 5: Once the installation is complete, Start the ServiceDesk Plus – MSP service.

Step 6: Login to the application using default username and password to confirm the build number installed from Help->About.

Step 7: Once verified, Stop the ServiceDesk Plus – MSP service.

Step 8: To restore the backed up data,Command Prompt as an Administrator,

ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus – MSP\bin>restoreData.bat

When it is prompted, please invoke the backup (just part 1) and it will start the restore process thereby automatically restoring the rest of the parts, without you having to invoke other parts of the backup manually.

NOTE: Data can be restored only across same builds of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP version. i.e. data backed up in 9400 build of ServiceDeskPlus – MSP can be restored only in 9400 build. Please check if the old build and new build are of same build versions.
Build version can be checked
  1. By clicking on the About link in the application [OR]
  2. From buildInfo.xml file under <Service Desk Home>/server/default/conf directory.
Once completed, you will get a dialog box stating that the restore is successful.

Step 9: Start the ServiceDesk Plus – MSP service once after restoring the data in the new server. Also, login and check the data.

Step 10: Set the new server name under Admin -> Self Service Portal Settings -> Alias URL.

Step 11: You can apply the license using Help->License page. License file can be obtained from previous server(ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus – MSP\lib\AdventNetLicense.xml) in case if you do not have it handy.

For any clarifications/issues, kindly contact us through

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