How do I convert the database from MSSQL to PGSQL ?

How do I convert the database from MSSQL to PGSQL ?

Kindly plan to perform this process ONLY during Non Operational hours. You can do this process in the same server that you have SDP MSP installed.

Step 1:  Stop the application and Take a backup of the existing data in the application. Navigate to the below path in CMD as an administrator.

ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\bin >BackUpData.bat

This backup will be stored under the default  Backup  folder in  \ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\  directory or in the path where if you have specified.

Step 2: Now copy this Full backup to the Desktop or somewhere handy.

Step 3: Navigate to the below path in CMD to change the database type to PGSQL and save.


Step 4 : S tart the application service  once for the new tables to get created in the database. Login and check Help->About to see if DB shows PGSQL.

Step 5: S top the application service.

Step 6: Navigate to the below path in CMD to restore the database.

\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\bin> RestoreData.bat  

browse and select the latest backup taken.

Once the restore is complete you will get a pop up saying "Restore completed successfully", click Ok.

Step 7:  S tart the application service and check your data.

Step 8: License file can be obtained from the old server under  \ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\lib  and the file name would be  AdventNetLicense.xml . License can be applied through  Help->License  at the right top corner of the application.

For other clarifications, kindly drop an email to

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