How do I convert the database from PGSQL to MSSQL?

How do I convert the database from PGSQL to MSSQL?

1. Stop ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus – MSP service.
2. Take a backup of the existing data and configuration under PGSQL database by following the below steps. Open CMD as an administrator and execute  command to start the data backup.


This backup will be stored under \ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\backup.

Converting the DB to MSSQL

If you already have a .data (zip) file , start from the below steps to change the DB type to MSSQL

3. Open database setup wizard using the below command, (You need to execute the batch files mentioned below from an Administrator command prompt)


4. Provide the details of the SQL server (i.e.) Host name, username and password and click Test, By doing this, we will be able to check the connectivity with the SQL server. The message should say connection established. Then click Save.

5. Start and stop the ServiceDeskPlus – MSP service once.

NOTE: A database called ServiceDesk would be created in the SQL server.

6. Now open the restore process wizard using below command,


Browse and apply the .data or ezip file

Dont close the command prompt till the process is completed or you see a message stating restore successful.

The data should now be restored under your MSSQL server instance. Follow the on screen instructions to restore the latest backup data performed in step 2.

7. Start ManageEngine ServiceDeskPlus – MSP service once the restore process is complete.

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