How can I upgrade the MySQL connector.jar?

How can I upgrade the MySQL connector.jar?

For all the following issues mentioned below, the solution is same.
  1. Invalid authorization specification message from server.
  2. Unknown character set index for field '255' received from server.
  3. Communication link failure:
  4. Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server.
  5. Communication link failure, message from server: "Got packets out of order."

Solution: To update the latest mysql connector, follow these steps:
  • If the .jar file is not present, you can download it from here (for MYSQL versions older than 5.6) or  here (for MYSQL version 5.6 and newer).
  • Rename the file as mysql_connector.jar
  • In the machine where Applications Manager is running, copy the downloaded mysql_connector.jar to AppManager_home/working/mysql/MMMySQLDriver/ directory.
  • Restart Applications Manager.
If MySQL server configured with 'SSL configuration'  or MySQL server hosted on any cloud service then make sure to use of latest mysql_connector.jar.

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