How can I configure application filtering for the .NET Agent on non-desktop Windows servers?

How can I configure application filtering for the .NET Agent on non-desktop Windows servers?

Steps to follow

Non-Windows desktop servers have the capability to set up application filtering for monitoring exclusively through the agent configuration file. To configure application filtering for your non-Windows server, follow the steps given below:
  1. Open the specified Configuration file using a text editor.
  2. Locate the Application filtering settings.
  3. Modify the application settings to your requirements.
  4. Save the changes made to the configuration files.
  5. Restart the agent to apply the new settings.

IIS Sites Filtering

Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\DotNetAgent\appfilter.conf
Description: Specify the IIS Sites and their corresponding APM names for monitoring. If APM names are not needed, leave the value field empty.
  1. To Enable Application Filtering: Specify whether the applications are to be filtered. Default value: TRUE.
  1. To List IIS Sites: Specify which applications are to be monitored. The values should be provided as a JSON-formatted string, and the input is case-insensitive.
For Example:{"Default Web Site/" : "localhost", "Default Web Site/MVCSample" : "MVCSample"}

Window Service App Filtering

Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\DotNetAgent\windows_appfilter.conf
Description: List the Windows services and their corresponding APM names for monitoring. If APM names are not needed, leave the value field empty.
  1. To Enable Windows Service Monitoring: Specify whether the Windows services are to be monitored or not. Default value: FALSE
  1. To List Windows Services: If the Windows service option is enabled, include the specified services for monitoring. Please use a JSON-formatted string; it is case-insensitive. Use the executable file name as the key and the service display name as the value. 
For Example:
include.service.names={"com.docker.service_com.docker.service_1.0.0.0":"Docker Desktop Service"}

Window Desktop App Filtering

Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\DotNetAgent\standalone_appfilter.conf
Description: List the Windows Desktop applications and their corresponding APM names for monitoring. If APM names are not needed, leave the value field empty.
  1. To List Windows Desktop Apps (XML format): The application specified in this field will be included for monitoring. Please use XML formatting, and it is case-insensitive. The key will be executable file name, and the value will be app display name.
For Example: 
<application executable="docker desktop.exe_4.3.2.72729" name="Docker Desktop" /></applications>

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