How can I configure application filtering for the .NET Agent on non-desktop Windows servers?
Steps to follow
Non-Windows desktop servers have the capability to set up application filtering for monitoring exclusively through the agent configuration file. To configure application filtering for your non-Windows server, follow the steps given below:
- Open the specified Configuration file using a text editor.
- Locate the Application filtering settings.
- Modify the application settings to your requirements.
- Save the changes made to the configuration files.
- Restart the agent to apply the new settings.
IIS Sites Filtering
Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\DotNetAgent\appfilter.conf
Description: Specify the IIS Sites and their corresponding APM names for monitoring. If APM names are not needed, leave the value field empty.
- To Enable Application Filtering: Specify whether the applications are to be filtered. Default value: TRUE.
- To List IIS Sites: Specify which applications are to be monitored. The values should be provided as a JSON-formatted string, and the input is case-insensitive.
For Example:{"Default Web Site/" : "localhost", "Default Web Site/MVCSample" : "MVCSample"}
Window Service App Filtering
Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\DotNetAgent\windows_appfilter.conf
Description: List the Windows services and their corresponding APM names for monitoring. If APM names are not needed, leave the value field empty.
- To Enable Windows Service Monitoring: Specify whether the Windows services are to be monitored or not. Default value: FALSE
- To List Windows Services: If the Windows service option is enabled, include the specified services for monitoring. Please use a JSON-formatted string; it is case-insensitive. Use the executable file name as the key and the service display name as the value.
For Example:
include.service.names={"com.docker.service_com.docker.service_1.0.0.0":"Docker Desktop Service"}
Window Desktop App Filtering
Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\DotNetAgent\standalone_appfilter.conf
Description: List the Windows Desktop applications and their corresponding APM names for monitoring. If APM names are not needed, leave the value field empty.
- To List Windows Desktop Apps (XML format): The application specified in this field will be included for monitoring. Please use XML formatting, and it is case-insensitive. The key will be executable file name, and the value will be app display name.
For Example:
<application executable="docker desktop.exe_4.3.2.72729" name="Docker Desktop" /></applications>
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