How can I check if the Managed Object Browser (MOB) service is enabled in the ESX host?

How can I check if the Managed Object Browser (MOB) service is enabled in the ESX host?

  • Connect to the host using the ESXi Shell.
  • Determine if the managed object browser (MOB) is enabled, by running the following command:
vim-cmd proxysvc/service_list
If the service is running, the following text appears in the list of services:
serverNamespace = '/mob',
accessMode = "httpsWithRedirect",
pipeName = "/var/run/vmware/proxy-mod",
  • If the service is not running, enable MOB service using the following command:vim-cmd proxysvc/add_np_service "/mob" httpsWithRedirect /var/run/vmware/proxy-mob
  • To disable the MOB service, use the following command:
vim-cmd proxysvc/remove_service "/mob" "httpsWithRedirect"
For ESXi 6.0 and above:

The MOB service is disabled by default. So when you try to access the MOB url of ESX host, the output should look like this:

You can enable MOB service from the VSphere client (or) ESXi shell.

From VSphere Client:
  • Connect to the ESX host via VSphere client version 6.
  • In the Configuration tab, go to Software and then Advanced Settings.
  • Enable the Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob check box and click ok.

From ESXi Shell:
  • Connect to the host using the ESXi Shell.
  • Check the ESXi Advanced Setting using vim-cmd as follows:
vim-cmd hostsvc/advopt/view Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob

The Output should look like this:

Configuring the ESXi Advanced Setting to true:
vim-cmd hostsvc/advopt/update Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob bool true

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