Headers are in English / Partial content is in English / Application Keys are shown after upgrade

Headers are in English / Partial content is in English / Application Keys are shown after upgrade


Any of the following issues can occur. Issue can occur post upgrade too.
  1. Even if application is set to non-english language, headers are shown in English.
  2. Some portion in the application is still in English while the rest of the application is in non-english language.
  3. Application keys are shown instead of text (common.header.request, etc.)


  1. If the issue is after upgrade, and you have reverted, please try to upgrade again (optional).
  2. Check the contents of the following folder before starting the server.
    1. SDP/webapps/ROOT/scripts/i18n folder
    2. SDP/webapps/ROOT/ember/i18n folder (if it exists)
  3. After upgrade, if server is not started, the i18n folder shouldn't be present or should be empty and after first startup, new files should be generated. (optional)
  4. If it is not the case, please rename (both) i18n folder(s) to 'i18n.old' and start the server.
  5. This should re-populate the files and the issue shouldn't be present when checked in incognito window.
  6. If the issue is still present, kindly zip the logs folder and zip the i18.old folder(s) with us.

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